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== Systems ==
== Systems ==
* [[Templates explanation|Root and local templates, how do they work?]]
===[[Templates explanation|Root and local templates, how do they work?]]======
* [[Resources explanation|Resources]] (WIP)
===[[Resources explanation|Resources]] (WIP)===
* [[Interaction modes]]
===[[Interaction modes]]===
* [[AI grid|AI grid: surfaces, walkables, ...]]
===[[AI grid|AI grid: surfaces, walkables, ...]]===
* [[Scripting|Scripting]]
* [[Osiris|Osiris: story scripting]] (WIP)
===[[Osiris|Osiris: story scripting]] (WIP)===
* [[Modding internals|Modding: internal system]] (WIP)
===[[Modding internals|Modding: internal system]] (WIP)===
* [[Light probes]] (WIP)
===[[Light probes]] (WIP)===
* [[Entity types]] (WIP)
===[[Entity types]] (WIP)===
* [[Decals]]
* [[Triggers]] (WIP)
===[[Triggers]] (WIP)===

== Panels ==
== Panels ==
* [[Root template panel]]
===[[Root template panel]]===
* [[Content browser]] (WIP)
===[[Content browser]] (WIP)===
* [[World outliner]]
===[[World outliner]]===
* [[Sidebar]]
* [[AI grid panel]]
===[[AI grid panel]]===
* [[Level settings window]]
===[[Level settings window]]===
* [[Project settings window]]
===[[Project settings window]]===
* [[Publish project window]]
===[[Publish project window]]===
* [[Combat group panel]]
===[[Combat group panel]]===
* [[Terrain panel]]
===[[Terrain panel]]===
* [[Decal painter panel]]
===[[Decal painter panel]]===
* [[Instance painter panel]]
===[[Instance painter panel]]===
* [[Atmosphere panel]]
===[[Atmosphere panel]]===
* [[Work atmosphere panel]]
===[[Work atmosphere panel]]===

== Editors ==
== Editors ==
* [[Material editor]]
===[[Material editor]]===
* [[Stats editor]] (WIP)
===[[Stats editor]] (WIP)===
* [[Story editor]] (WIP)
===[[Story editor]] (WIP)===
* [[Script editor]]
===[[Script editor]]===
* [[Dialog editor]]
===[[Dialog editor]]===
* [[Journal editor]]
===[[Journal editor]]===
* [[Translated string key editor]]
===[[Translated string key editor]]===

== Misc ==
== Misc ==
* [[Editor preferences]]
===[[Editor preferences]]===
* [[Project browser]]
===[[Project browser]]===
* [[Level browser]]
===[[Level browser]]===
* [[Main toolbar]]
===[[Main toolbar]]===
* [[Osiris API Tips]]
===[[Osiris API Tips]]===
* [[Sandbox]]
* [[AI bound editor]]
===[[AI bound editor]]===
* [[Script debugger]]
===[[Script debugger]]===
* [[Presets]]

== Console ==
== Console ==
* [[Command list]]
===[[Command list]]===
* [[ReCon|ReCon: remote console]]
===[[ReCon|ReCon: remote console]]===

Revision as of 14:15, 7 September 2017