Material editor

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With the material editor, you can create your very own materials.
Materials are used for a number of purposes, among which:

  • Status effect overlays (f.e. wet status)
  • Terrain layers
  • Effects
  • Decals


The material editor with each component numbered

The tag editor consists of the following components:

  1. Node graph toolbar
  2. List of available nodes
  3. Properties of the selected node
  4. Material preview

From editor to game

When saving a material in the editor, its game files get generated automatically.
While the editor file of the material can be found in your mod's data folder under "Data/Editor/Mods/YourMod/Assets/Materials",
the game files can be found at "Data/Public/YourMod/Assets/Materials"

To be able to use the material in-game, you'll have to make a material resource with the generated .lsb file from the Public folder as source.

More info on how resources work can be found here: Resources explanation
More info on how to create a resource can be found here: My first: Resource