Osiris/Shared/DB WaypointInfo

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Full Definition(s)
  • DB_WaypointInfo((ITEMGUID)_Item, (TRIGGERGUID)_Trigger, (STRING)_WaypointName)

Defines that _Item must be registered as a waypoint. Its name, as it appears in the waypoint list, is the value of the translated string with _WaypointName as key. When a player chooses to go to this waypoint via the waypoint menu, they will be teleported to _Trigger.

  • _Item and _Trigger must be global, because players can teleport to a waypoint from a different level in which the waypoint is located.
  • If you assign the WaypointShrine item script to _Item, then when a player get near it the associated waypoint will automatically be unlocked for that player and every one else in their party.
  • If you add "Send a use event to Osiris" to the "Use Actions" in the sidebar of _Item, then when a player clicks on _Item, the waypoint menu will open.
  • Unlocking a waypoint this way does not automatically enable the anchor/waypoint travel button near the minimap, unless your mod depends on the main campaign. To enable it manually, see SetHomesteadKeyState.
See Also