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Full Definition(s)
- call CharacterAppearOutOfSightToObject((CHARACTERGUID)_Character, (GUIDSTRING)_Target, (GUIDSTRING)_Object, (INTEGER)_PlaySpawn, (STRING)_Event)
_Character should be off-stage when calling this routine. This call will place _Character on-stage out of sight of _Target in the direction of _Object. If _PlaySpawn is 1, _Character's spawn animation is played. If _PlaySpawn is 0, _Character is simply placed on-stage. _Event is triggered on _Character once it is on stage.
- /
See Also
- CharacterAppear
- CharacterAppearAt
- CharacterAppearAtCustom
- CharacterAppearAtPosition
- CharacterAppearAtPositionCustom
- CharacterAppearAtPositionOutOfSightTo
- CharacterAppearAtPositionOutOfSightToCustom
- CharacterAppearAtPositionOutOfSightToObject
- CharacterAppearAtPositionOutOfSightToObjectCustom
- CharacterAppearCustom
- CharacterAppearOnTrailOutOfSightTo
- CharacterAppearOnTrailOutOfSightToCustom
- CharacterAppearOnTrailOutOfSightToObject
- CharacterAppearOnTrailOutOfSightToObjectCustom
- CharacterAppearOutOfSightTo
- CharacterAppearOutOfSightToCustom
- CharacterAppearOutOfSightToObjectCustom
- SetOnStage
- StoryEvent