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Full Definition(s)
- PROC ProcCharacterMoveTo((CHARACTERGUID)_Char, (GUIDSTRING)_Point, (INTEGER)_Running, (STRING)_Event)
This is a wrapper around the CharacterMoveTo API call that takes care of interactions with various other behaviours. A.o.,
- It disables all dialogs while the character is moving.
- It disables all reactions to crimes while the character is moving.
- If the move is interrupted in one way or another, the character will resume moving after the interruption
Return Values
- /
- If you wish to abort a move initiated this way, in addition to calling CharacterPurgeQueue, you also have to call ProcClearStoryMove. This will restore all of the suspended behaviours and prevent the resumption of the movement at a later moment.
- Preferably always use this routine or ProcStateManagerCharacterMoveTo instead of CharacterMoveTo.
See Also
- CharacterMoveTo
- Helper ProcClearStoryMove
- Helper ProcStateManagerCharacterMoveTo