Community page submission

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Welcome to the community page submission section.
First and foremost: thanks to all of you from everyone at Larian Studios!
Without your love and feedback, we wouldn't be where we are today.

That being said, let's do our best to keep this wiki just as lovely as you guys:

  1. To add your page to the main wiki pages, please add it to the list below.
  2. Once our moderators get a chance, they'll review the submissions and move approved pages to the appropriate location on the Editor Guides and/or Community Tutorials section.
  3. We'll leave the page link a couple of days on here with an approval stamp and a link to its new location, to give the editor a chance to find out where his/her page went.
  4. We love you all very much, but we do not tolerate any misbehavior. Please refrain from using foul language, messing with other people's pages,...
  5. This wiki follows the general open format. Anyone is allowed to edit a page. View an edit to your page as interest in your content, not as criticism.
  6. But do try to avoid editing someone else's pages before it has been approved and moved to the main sections, unless of course you have the permission to do so from the original author.
  7. As always, stay awesome

Example submission

Creating new Reflection Dialogues APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

Item Progression APPROVED (Editor Guides (Stats))(Editor Guides (Root templates))

How to create a basic adventure with quests, dialog and scripts APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

Party Management via Dialog APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

Subregion UI Notifications APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

How to make an NPC sit APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

Creating a book with TEXT inside APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

Pak Extractor Guide APPROVED (Editor Guides)

Tutorial - Implementing a Basic Quest APPROVED (Community Tutorials) (Editor Guides)

NPC Patrols APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

Basic Character Creation APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

Character and Item Script Triggers, Calls, and Queries APPROVED (Editor Guides)

Scripting in New Talents, Attributes, and Combat Abilities APPROVED (Community Tutorials)(Editor Guides)

Creating/Modifying Weapon Elements and Scaling APPROVED (Community Tutorials)(Editor Guides)

Adding New Icons APPROVED (Community Tutorials)(Editor Guides)

Your First Story Script APPROVED (Community Tutorials)(Editor Guides)

Crime System APPROVED (Community Tutorials)

Experience For Exploration Quests And Killing APPROVED (Community Tutorials)