How to make an NPC sit

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This article explains how to create a chair and an NPC and then add the script parameters to make the NPC sit in the chair.

1: Grab a chair from the Root Templates... I use "FUR_Humans_Citz_Chair_Poor_A" in this example. Drop it into your level.

2: Grab your NPC from the Root Templates and drop them next to the chair. I used "GameMaster_PoorCivilian_Easy_Human_Female" in this example.

3: Select your chair and change its NAME (not display name) to S_FUR_Humans_Citz_Chair_Poor_A - Make sure you remember this edited NAME. Note: You must add the S_ as a prefix for it to show in the list later you can rename it what ever you like but it must have an "S_" prefix.

4: Now select your NPC, and edit the scripts attribute in the side bar.

5: In the Edit Scripts box.. search for and then add the "Sit" script to your NPC.

6: Now select the "Seat" attribute for that script and find the chair you renamed. "S_FUR_Humans_Citz_Chair_Poor_A" from the drop down list.

7: Save and reload .. and when you hit play your NPC will wander over and take a pew.