Creating a book with TEXT inside

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This article describes how to create a basic information Book which contains some readable TEXT for the players.

1: Open the "Translated String" editor (Little Japanese Character in the top menu bar)

2: FILE.. NEW - to create a new "TranslatedStringKey"

3: Now you can fill in your attributes in the new key. Use something along the lines of...

key = Book_Modding_Guide (you need to remember this)
ExtraData = "Here is where you cut and paste what text you want in the book."

4: Save All and close the Translated Sting Editor.

5: Grab a book from the resources and drop into your level. (Book_Book_A is the sort of thing you want)

6: Edit the "Use Actions" attibute on the side bar for the book.

7: Remove the "Book: Gen_Unreadable" action if it is present. (red minus button)

8: Ok now add a new BOOK action. (Green + button)

9: Now in the "Bood ID" (yeah I think it is spelled wrong) attibute, type in the name of the string Key you created - in this case it was "Book_Modding_Guide" apply and save.

10: Now go back into your level and try it... pick up the book and read it from your inventory you should see the "Extra Text"