Creating Campaign

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In this section, you will learn how to create a campaign from scratch.


After loading the game, you will see the menu at the right. To start creating a campaign, click on GAME MASTER.

GM Starting Menu.jpg

After clicking on the GAME MASTER button, you'll have a few choices

GM Menu.jpg

  1. Prepare Campaign, this is where you'll create your campaign
  2. Play Campaign, this is where you'll be able to play a campaign
  3. Load, this will load your last played campaign
  4. Back, this will send you back to the main menu

Prepare Campaign

After clicking on Prepare Campaign you will be moved to a screen like this:

GM Prepare Campaign Menu.jpg

  1. Create New Campaign Button, clicking this will be your first step into campaign creation
  2. My Campaigns, this is where all your personal campaigns can be selected
  3. Imported Campaigns, this is where all your imported campaigns from the workshop can be selected
  4. Overview map, this is the overview map of a selected campaign on the left
  5. Campaign Name, the name of the campaign selected on the left
  6. Cmapign Description, the description of the campaign selected on the left
  7. Delete, this will delete the campaign selected on the left
  8. Load Campaign, this will load the selected campaign on the left
  9. Publish, this will publish the selected campaign on the left to the workshop
  10. Campaign Settings, this is where you can edit the campaign Name and Description of the one selected on the left
  11. Back, this will send you back to the previous Game Master Menu

Play Campaign

After clicking Play Campaign, you'll be moved to a screen like this:

GM Play Campaign.jpg

  1. Main Menu, this will bring you back to the main menu of the game
  2. Online/Lan, this is where you can see online or LAN games
  3. Refresh Button, click on this to refresh the list of available games
  4. Game List, this is where you'll see all available games
  5. Filter, this is where you can set filters for the games you are looking at
  6. Global Chat, this is where everyone in the world can chat
  7. Chat Area, this is where you can write things
  8. Create, this is where you click to create a new Game Master game
  9. Direct Connect, this is where you can connect directly to someone's game
  10. Connect, this is where you click to join a game after selecting one

After clicking on Create, you'll be moved to a screen like this:

GM Campaign Lobby.jpg

  1. Main Menu, this will bring you back to the main menu of the game
  2. Player Slots, this is where players will be waiting for the game to start
  3. Game Master Area, this is where the GM can invite his friends to the game
  4. ----
  5. Local Chat, this is where the everybody in the lobby can chat
  6. Chat Area, this is where you can write things
  7. Player list, list of the players in the game
  8. Campaign Selection, this is where you can select a campaign from yours or imported ones
  9. Custom Settings, this is where you can set custom settings for the party when they will start the game
  10. Set Lobby Name, will change the name of the Lobby to the name of your selected campaign
  11. Preview, will switch the Lobby to the Preview windows
  12. Connectivity, this is where you can change the connectivity options of your game
  13. Launch, this is where you click to start the game when all players are ready

Lobby Preview

This is how the lobby preview screen should look

GM Campaign Lobby Preview.jpg


After clicking on the connectivity button, you should have a pop-up windows looking like this:

GM Campaign Lobby Connectivity.jpg

  1. Filters, this is where you can click on one of the colored gem to choose who can join your game
  2. Connection Type, there you can choose the type of connection, clicking the small blue arrow will copy the address to your clipboard
  3. Players, this is where you'll see the player in your games and also be able to kick them
  4. Close, will close the window

Create Campaign

After clicking the big Create Campaign button you will see this:

GM Create Campaigns.jpg

  1. Campaign Name, this is where you put the name of your campaign
  2. Campaign Description, this is where you write the synopsis or the description of your campaign
  3. Add-Ons, this is where you can select add-ons to be added to your campaign
  4. Create Campaign, will create the campaign and will move you to the Overview map