Voice Bark editor

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The voicebark editor

Voicebarks are a system to play an automated dialog for party members, selected based on their tags. This means that in itself, a voicebark is not a dialogue. Rather, it is a set of rules by which an AD can be selected for the player characters to speak.

When a voicebark is played from a character (typically, with the StartVoiceBark Story call or behaviour script call), the system selects the first (topmost) AD for which it can find appropriate speakers (having all of the tags in the 'Allow' column and none in the 'Deny column'), and plays that AD with those speakers. Note that, if their companions have tags which are preferred over that character's own, the character from whom the voicebark originates (the 'target character') will not be part of the selected AD. To be considered, speakers need to be:

  • Player characters
  • In the same party as the target character
  • Within 10 meters of the target character
  • Not summons or party followers
  • Not already in a dialog
  • Not a ghost
  • Not charmed
  • Alive
  • Visible and not sneaking
  • On-stage

No AD is started if the requested Voicebark does not exist, if the target character is not a player or does not exist, or if no set of fitting characters is found. Story will get a VoiceBarkFailed event. Otherwise, a VoiceBarkStarted event is sent, along with the usual events that accompany the start of an AD.