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Full Definition(s)
- PROC ProcGetClosestAvailableCharacterTo((CHARACTERGUID)_Obj, (INTEGER)_SightCheck)
- PROC ProcGetClosestAvailableCharacterTo((CHARACTERGUID)_Obj, (INTEGER)_SightCheck, (INTEGER)_PartyCheck, (CHARACTERGUID)_Player)
- PROC ProcGetClosestAvailableCharacterTo((CHARACTERGUID)_Obj, (INTEGER)_SightCheck, (INTEGER)_PartyCheck, (CHARACTERGUID)_Player, (CHARACTERGUID)_ExceptPlayer)
The first invocation is equivalent to calling the second one with _PartyCheck == 0 and _Player == NULL.
The second invocation is equivalent to calling the third one with _ExceptPlayer === NULL .
Gets the closest player character to _Obj that is available to start a dialog with _Obj. Set _SightCheck to 1 if that character must be able to see _Obj. If _PartyCheck is 1, you must also and pass a valid parameter for _Player, and the found player character (if any) will be guaranteed to be in the same party as _Player. If _ExceptPlayer is not NULL, then this routine will consider _ExceptPlayer to be unavailable even if they pass the other checks.
Return Values
- DB_ClosestAvailablePlayer((CHARACTERGUID)_Char,(CHARACTERGUID)_Obj): closest player that can start a dialog with _Obj (conforming to all requested conditions), if any.
- DB_ClosestAvailablePlayer_NoAvailablePlayer((CHARACTERGUID)_Obj): Set if no player character is available that conforms to the requested conditions.
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