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Full Definition(s)
- call TriggerSetAtmosphere((TRIGGERGUID)_Trigger, (STRING)_AtmosphereUUID)
Changes the atmosphere in atmosphere trigger _Trigger to the atmosphere resource with UUID _AtmosphereUUID.
- As mentioned above, the UUID must be the UUID of a resource, not of a root template. Additionally, the _Trigger must be an atmosphere trigger and not any other kind of trigger.
- The atmosphere you specify must have been added as one of the possible atmospheres that can be used in that atmosphere trigger via the "Atmospheres" property of the sidebar. Afterwards, you must also render all light probes again.
- If the atmosphere changes abruptly, make the fading time of the atmosphere trigger longer. This means that the exposure of the HDR can't keep up. It's kind of like pointing a video camera from a dark room out into a sunlit street - it'll take a bit of time to adjust.