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Full Definition(s)
  • call Transform(((GUIDSTRING)_Object,(STRING)_ObjectTemplate,(INTEGER)_ReplaceScripts,(INTEGER)_ReplaceScale,(INTEGER)_ReplaceStats)

Transforms _Object into the root template _ObjectTemplate. In particular, a.o. the visual and physics resources will be replaced, as well as the VisualSetIndices for a character.

Other parameters allow you to customise whether certain properties of _Object should be replaced by the values of their corresponding on _ObjectTemplate:

  • _ReplaceScripts: indicates whether the assigned behaviour scripts should be replaced.
  • _ReplaceScale: indicates whether the current scale of the object should be replaced.
  • _ReplaceStats: indicates whether the Stats should be replaced. This is only supported for Items by this call. For a call that does support replacing the stats for characters, see CharacterTransform
  • Transforming an object more than once is not supported. It may (seem to) work, but the result is undefined.
  • Transforming an object will remove the tags that it got from its original root template, and add the tags from the new root template. Tags set by script or from dialogs are unaffected.
See Also