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Full Definition(s)
- call CharacterSetFollowCharacter((CHARACTERGUID)_Character, (CHARACTERGUID)_CharacterToFollow)
Sets _CharacterToFollow as the target to follow for _Character, which is used by the behavior scripting condition CharacterGetFollow.
- Use NULL_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as the _CharacterToFollow value to clear the internal follow target for _Character.
- The internal value set is used by the Base.charScript reactions StartFollow and StopFollow, via the CharacterGetFollow condition. Every character automatically has this script attached via its inclusion in DefaultCharacter.charScript.
- CharacterAddToPlayerCharacter sets the same internal follower value, except the character is visibly "attached" in the UI, like summoned characters.
- Preferably use ProcCharacterFollowCharacter, as it automatically handles conditions where following may need to be started or stopped).