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Full Definition(s)
- (Shared mod) call ApplyDamage((GUIDSTRING)_Object, (INTEGER)_Damage, (STRING)_DamageType)
- call ApplyDamage((GUIDSTRING)_Object, (INTEGER)_Damage, (STRING)_DamageType, (GUIDSTRING)_Source)
Applies _Damage points of _DamageType damage to _Object.
(New parameter in DOS2 Patch 5) If _Source is not NULL, it will be considered as the source of the damage and will be reported as such to CharacterReceivedDamage and, if the character dies as a consequence of this damage application, to CharacterKilledBy and CharacterTemplateKilledByCharacter.
- The overload in the Shared mod uses the default _Source = NULL_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.
- Possible known damage types:
- Air
- Fire
- Physical
- Shadow