Difference between revisions of "Osiris/API/CharacterAppearOutOfSightTo"

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Revision as of 15:52, 8 August 2017

Full Definition(s)
  • call CharacterAppearOutOfSightTo((CHARACTERGUID)_Character, (GUIDSTRING)_Target, (INTEGER)_Angle, (INTEGER)_PlaySpawn, (STRING)_Event)
 _Character should be off-stage when calling this routine. This call will place _Character on-stage out of sight of _Target at _Angle degrees (0 = North), after which it will walt to _Target. If _PlaySpawn is 1, _Character's spawn animation is played. If _PlaySpawn is 0, _Character is simply placed on-stage. _Event is triggered on _Character once it is on stage.
  • Getting the angle right is hard and error-prone. If possible, use CharacterAppearOutOfSightToObject instead.
See Also