From Divinity Engine Wiki
Full Definition(s)
- call CharacterGiveQuestReward((CHARACTERGUID)_Player, (STRING)_Quest, (STRING)_RewardState)
Gives the _Player character (if they are a player) the reward under the _RewardState state of the _Quest supplied. The RewardTreasureTables field is used for the static part of the treasure (i.e. what the player always gets). The player can also select an amount of items given RewardTreasureOptionalCount from those generated by the treasure table under RewardOptionalTreasureTables. The level used for the generation of both table is given by RewardTreasureLevel.
- The items are always identified.
- The treasure is not affected by the player's level, only that specified in the journal.
See Also
- CharacterGiveReward
- GenerateTreasure
- Treasure Tables
- Journal editor, where the rewards are defined.