Part 3: shaping your terrain

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This article is part of a series on how to create and edit a terrain.

Part 1: creating a terrain object
Part 2: resizing a terrain object
Part 3: shaping your terrain
Part 4: painting your terrain

This article describes how to shape your terrain.


The terrain sculpting interaction modes on the terrain panel

The following tools allow you to sculpt your terrain:

  • Raise
    Raise terrain height
  • Lower
    Lower terrain height
  • Flatten
    Flatten terrain height
  • Smooth
    Smooth terrain
  • Slope
    Create a slope on the terrain from point A to B
  • Cut
    Cut 1x1 meter cells out of the terrain

In this guide I will be using the raise, flatten, smooth and lower interaction modes to sculpt the 64x64 meter terrain we created in part 2 of this series. Keep in mind that for all terrain interaction modes, you can customize the brush by right clicking the interaction mode button, or resize the brush by clicking '[' and ']'.

Shaping your terrain

Step 1: raising

Using the terrain raise interaction mode

First, I will use the terrain raise interaction mode to create some basic height levels on my terrain. To do this, select the terrain raise interaction mode (1), hover your mouse over the terrain and hold the left mouse button (2).

Step 2: flattening

Using the terrain flatten interaction mode

Next, I flattened some areas of the terrain with the terrain flatten interaction mode. Flattening the terrain will set the height of the terrain within the brush to the height at the center of the brush. To use the flatten interaction mode, first toggle the interaction mode (1), then hover over the terrain you want to flatten and hold the left mouse button (2).

Step 3: smoothing

Using the terrain smooth interaction mode

You probably noticed the jagged edges and hard shadows on the terrain after step 2. This is caused by extreme height differences within short distances. To compensate for this, you can use the terrain smooth interaction mode. To use the terrain smooth interaction mode, toggle the interaction mode button (1), hover over the terrain you want to smooth and hold the left mouse button (2).

Step 4: lowering

Using the terrain lower interaction mode

Last but not least I lowered some parts of my terrain so that a river can flow through it. Enable the terrain lower interaction mode (1), hover over the terrain you want to flatten and hold the left mouse button (2).


[{File:Step5_Result.png|none]] The end result of this guide

To finish my terrain I added some river plane objects and rocks. To do this, open the Root template panel, selecting a template, enable the creation interaction mode and place some objects in your level.

See also

In the next part of the series we will be painting our terrain.

Part 1: creating a terrain object
Part 2: resizing a terrain object
Part 3: shaping your terrain
Part 4: painting your terrain