Osiris Tips and Examples
The following is a collection of practical examples and tips that will aid in your journey to learn how to power your mod through story script usage.
Rule Flow
Story scripts run on "rules". Every frame, Osiris will evaluate the rules for every running story goal.
The flow of every rule is:
IF Event AND Query THEN Call();
Queries between the event and the call section of a rule are optional. You can simply go from event to call if you desire:
IF Event THEN Call();
Queries are both gatekeepers to the call section, and a way to retrieve information.
Databases can be used to store specific data (such as characters entering a trigger), or as a way to story settings used in your rules.
Database Use Within Rules
Databases may be used in all three rule sections:
- IF
- Databases used in the event section will run when a new entry is added. It will never run when an entry is removed.
- Databases used in the query section can be used to evaluate if an entry exists, does not exist, or as a way to run subsequent lines on the whole database, or entries that match a particular value.
- In the call section, new entries are added to databases, or existing entries are removed (i.e. NOT DB_MyDatabase(_VariableA, _VariableB).
Database Queries
Used as a query, databases are powerful ways to retrieve data, or create complex conditions.
Databases Queries for Conditions
Passing values into Databases is an easy way to create dynamic conditions:
IF CharacterUsedSkillOnTarget(_Santa, (CHARACTERGUID)_Target, "Target_GiveGift", _) AND DB_Santa_NaughtyList(_Target) THEN DisplayText(_Santa, "Ho ho ho! You're been a bad guy this year! Coal for you!"); ItemTemplateAddTo("QUEST_Coal_df215b50-e18f-4527-a2ac-e7eec6cba576", _Target, 1); IF CharacterUsedSkillOnTarget(_Santa, (CHARACTERGUID)_Target, "Target_GiveGift", _) AND NOT DB_Santa_NaughtyList(_Target) THEN DisplayText(_Santa, "Ho ho ho! You've been good this year! Have a present!"); ItemTemplateAddTo("QUEST_Present_29f926ff-bfb3-4c0f-b4a4-e356d6b88cf0", _Target, 1);
This example assumes that characters were already added to a database, and uses it to determine which item to give to a target, when Santa casts his skill.
Databases Queries for Data Retrieval
Now we'll use a database to iterate through a number of targets dynamically.
IF SkillCast(_Santa, "Shout_SpreadCheer", _) AND DB_Santa_NiceList(_Target) THEN ApplyStatus(_Target, "HOLIDAY_CHEER", -1.0); PlayEffect(_Target, "RS3_FX_Santa_HolidayExplosion_01");
Since _Target was never set before the database query, it acts as an out variable, calling subsequent lines on each entry added to DB_Santa_NiceList.
Database Gotchas
While databases are a powerful way to create complex scripting logic, there are a few crucial concepts to keep in mind:
- Unless you take steps to clear it out, database data persists in existing saves, even if you no longer support a particular database in a later version of your mod.
- Consider keeping the number of database columns at a manageable size. Databases can be cross-referenced with other databases if needed.
- Inherited types from GUIDSTRING (CHARACTERGUID, ITEMGUID, TRIGGERGUID) need to be declared once in a database, to properly set the type.
System Methods
A few system methods, hidden from auto-complete, exist to enhance database use:
- call SysClear((STRING)_Predicate, (INTEGER)_Arity)
- Predicate is the name of the database ("DB_MyDatabase"), while arity are the number of columns (DB_MyDatabase("Apples", 10) would be 2 arity).
- SysClear provides an ideal way of clearing older saves of old databases from previous version of your mod, or paving the way for a full reset of a database.
- query SysCount([in](STRING)_Predicate,[in](INTEGER)_Arity,[out](INTEGER)_Count)
- SysCount is a way to count the entries in a database. This is especially useful when creating conditions in reference to a database that is added to dynamically through gameplay (i.e. the number of players inside a trigger, the number of characters who had a particular status applied, and so on).
Cross-Database Referencing
Using a consistent entry across multiple databases allows you to utilize various databases to dynamically enhance your mod.
Adventure Mod Example
First, we'll create a few databases to store some settings.
//DB_MyAdventureMod_Triggers(_TriggerName, _TriggerID) DB_MyAdventureMod_Triggers("MyLevel_FrontDoor", (TRIGGERGUID)TRIGGERGUID_S_MyLevel_DoorEntry_b5ab6a49-b015-4908-8f49-7b152d6c5d30); DB_MyAdventureMod_Triggers("MyLevel_HallwayAmbush", TRIGGERGUID_S_MyLevel_Ambush1_1d089d37-fc5e-4cc6-807e-51d0535dc0cc); DB_MyAdventureMod_Triggers("MyLevel_GolemBoss", TRIGGERGUID_S_MyLevel_Boss1_0a009ed0-61f5-4670-9d26-1417ebf02922); //DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerAtmosphere(_TriggerName, _Atmosphere) DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerAtmosphere("MyLevel_FrontDoor", "12f866ca-a2e9-4da2-831c-d7d031638160"); DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerAtmosphere("MyLevel_HallwayAmbush","12f866ca-a2e9-4da2-831c-d7d031638160"); DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerAtmosphere("MyLevel_GolemBoss","2052f790-d2d7-4cf7-95f0-4de478e98d28"); //DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerSpawns(_TriggerName, _CharacterTemplate) DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerSpawns("MyLevel_HallwayAmbush", "MyMod_SkeletonLeader_584db8ce-8dcf-4906-bc6f-e51eb057de08"); DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerSpawns("MyLevel_HallwayAmbush", "MyMod_SkeletonMage1_61bf204e-ba2e-412f-ac86-e132a3930105"); DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerSpawns("MyLevel_HallwayAmbush", "MyMod_SkeletonRanger1_f7bd3244-e1e7-4079-ac95-fef6145a236e");
By using multiple databases together, we now only need to worry about the TRIGGERGUID in one database, while the others rely on the string name. This is easier to deal with in the long run.
Next, we'll look for when a player enters one of these triggers, and store when it first activates.
IF CharacterEnteredTrigger((CHARACTERGUID)_Character, (TRIGGERGUID)_TriggerID) AND DB_IsPlayer(_Character) AND DB_MyAdventureMod_Triggers(_TriggerName, _TriggerID) AND NOT DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerActivated(_TriggerName, _TriggerID) THEN DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerActivated(_TriggerName, _TriggerID);
We'll then look for when a trigger is added to the "TriggerActivated" database, and create rules for changing the atmosphere and spawning enemies.
IF DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerActivated(_TriggerName, _TriggerID) AND DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerAtmosphere(_TriggerName, _Atmosphere) THEN TriggerSetAtmosphere(_TriggerID, _Atmosphere); IF DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerActivated(_TriggerName, _TriggerID) AND DB_MyAdventureMod_TriggerSpawns(_TriggerName, _CharacterTemplate) AND GetRandomPositionInTrigger(_TriggerID, _X, _Y, _Z) AND CharacterCreateAtPosition(_X, _Y, _Z, _CharacterTemplate, 1, _Enemy) THEN DB_MyAdventureMod_SpawnedEnemies(_TriggerName, _Enemy);
We now have a good basis for changing atmosphere, spawning enemies, and tracking which enemies were spawned. This could easily be extended to support sounds, dialogs that need to start, and more.
Updating Databases
When you use databases as a way to store settings, this information will persist on existing saves unless you purposefully remove it.
As an example, say you have a script like this:
//DB_MyMod_Skill_ItemCreation(_Skill, _ItemTemplate, _Count) DB_MyMod_Skill_ItemCreation("Target_MyMod_DiamondTransmutation", "LOOT_Gems_Diamond_A_7e24b009-f2bc-47c0-a635-b776407833aa", 1);
IF SkillCast(_Character, _Skill, _) AND DB_MyMod_Skill_ItemCreation(_Skill, _ItemTemplate, _Count) THEN ItemTemplateAddTo(_ItemTemplate, _Character, (INTEGER)_Count, 1);
Later, after releasing your mod, you decide that you want "Target_MyMod_DiamondTransmutation" to spawn a different diamond item template. To properly do this, in a way that won't spawn the previous template for an existing save, you need to delete the previous entry from the database.
Database Update Example
One way to implement internal mod "updates" for your databases is by storing a "mod version" in a database, and checking against this version when a save is loaded.
In a top-level goal (one that will run before all others), enter the following:
MyMod__MainScript.txt INIT:
//The current mod version. DB_MyMod_Version("1.1.1");
PROC MyMod_Update_UpdateDatabases() THEN DebugBreak("[MyMod] Mod update detected. Updating databases."); IF SavegameLoaded(_,_,_,_) AND NOT DB_MyMod_Version("1.1.1") THEN MyMod_Update_UpdateDatabases(); SysClear("DB_MyMod_Version", 1); // Clear existing mod versions. DB_MyMod_Version("1.1.1");
"MyMod_Update_UpdateDatabases()" is a custom PROC we've created to handle updating databases. In the individual goals that we want to update databases for, creating new rules with the same PROC name will run our PROC when the top-level goal's PROC is triggered:
PROC MyMod_Update_UpdateDatabases() THEN SysClear("DB_MyMod_Skill_ItemCreation", 3); DB_MyMod_Skill_ItemCreation("Target_MyMod_DiamondTransmutation", "LOOT_Gems_Diamond_B_Black_VW_94933c36-393e-4077-abec-95e04341fc92", 1);
Now when the main script triggers the update, our second script will also run its own update, clearing out the previous database data and adding our new settings.
Updating Mods: Beyond Databases
Beyond changing databases, updating your mod can be a more extensive ordeal, as there's a variety of factors to keep in mind. More on that here: Modding: Versioning.
Further Information
More in-depth information on Osiris can be read on the following pages: