Talk:Osiris Tips and Examples

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Please suggest or make improvements to Modding:_Versioning#Story.2FOsiris rather than partially duplicating slightly changed information here. Distributing an updated version of a mod involves much more than story changes, and it is very important that people are aware of everything that you have to take into account. Duplication also means that if things are added or corrected, they probably will only be changed in one page and people will end up with incomplete or in the worst case conflicting information. Thanks.

Tinkerer (talk) 11:14, 21 December 2017 (CET)

Fair enough! I wasn't intending to cover mod versioning as a whole: merely writing about a solution for handling database changes between versions (for Osiris specifically), to fall in line with the other practical database examples (this page ended up turning into "Osiris: Practical Examples" the more I wrote). Databases persisting in existing saves is a detail that had some proper consequences for me when updating my own mods, so I wanted to reiterate the importance of knowing how that works.
Would linking back to the versioning page and adjusting the wording and section header suffice for now?
LaughingLeader (talk) 11:39, 21 December 2017 (CET)
Okay! I was just worried because the Modding:_Versioning#Story.2FOsiris page also contains a concrete example on how to handle that, and if that one is not clear enough it should probably (also) be improved.
Tinkerer (talk) 12:17, 27 December 2017 (CET)