Talk:Skill creation

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Incorrect Info

Surface creation actually works like this: CreateSurface,Radius,Duration,Type,Chance,Hole Lofgren (talk) 08:58, 25 June 2018 (CEST)

Hidden Parameters

Some of the functions, at least in the skill properties section, have hidden parameters that are unused in the base game. Here is what I've discovered so far:
Lofgren (talk) 09:00, 25 June 2018 (CEST)


Would it be possible to add a little blurb on the 'UseCharacterStats' property? It appears to make a skill able to miss if a Requirement is also added.

For instance, with this skill:

new entry "Target_Wikimod_TestSkill_A"
type "SkillData"
using "Target_MosquitoSwarm"
data "Ability" "Rogue"
data "DisplayName" "Mosquito Swarm (Character Stats)"
data "Requirement" "MeleeWeapon"
data "UseCharacterStats" "Yes"

Adding UseCharacterStats and MeleeWeapon as a requirement makes this skill potentially miss, depending on the caster's accuracy.

Furthermore, UseWeaponDamage appears to also make the skill able to miss if set to true, so adding that information could be helpful for those wanting to make missable skills.

LaughingLeader (talk) 09:00, 22 July 2018 (CEST)


This property adds 4x the ability score noted in the editor (i.e.: "WarriorLore" or "RogueLore"), in meters to the base range of the skill. So if the ability "WarriorLore" is set to 4, meaning an ingame "Warfare" ability of 8, then a skill with a base range of 1m has a total range of 17 (4*4+1). This does not seem to update fluidly with stat buffs while the editor program runs. In my testing, the editor seems to require a restart to update ability ranges. To add to this, ranges only seem to scale correctly if used on abilities such as "WarriorLore". "Leadership" does not seem to scale correctly.

Galgamos (talk) 19:15, 24 Oktober 2021 (MET / UTC+1)