Talk:Community tutorials

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I have an ongoing tutorial on the Divinity Engine 2 starting from the basics of terrain editing and moving into all the complicated things. You can check out the ongoing playlist (I try to post one daily) or click on each link separately.

GM Tutorial ---> Be sure to read the comments as there are answers to some questions I posed in the the video

The Divinity Engine 2 setup and overview ---> How to make sure everything is running the way it should be and a brief overview of the tools

Terrain sculpting and tools ---> I go over the terrain building mode, there is a part two to this below.

Terrain Part 2 and AI Painter tool ---> This is an important video that you need to watch as it explains an important step to expand your play area.

AI painter tool for making walk-able areas/houses/platforms etc... ---> This is a brief video showing you how to make platforms an area you can actually walk on.

There will be more to come so stay tuned. Hope this helps the lot of you.