Scripting ability types

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This list is purely for values that can be used in script. More information on these values can be found here.
It is advised to use the enumeration value instead of the integer representation because this list is subject to change. The following ability types can be used in script:

  1. WarriorLore
  2. RangerLore
  3. RogueLore
  4. SingleHanded
  5. TwoHanded
  6. Reflection
  7. Ranged
  8. Shield
  9. Reflexes
  10. PhysicalArmorMastery
  11. MagicArmorMastery
  12. VitalityMastery
  13. Sourcery
  14. FireSpecialist
  15. WaterSpecialist
  16. AirSpecialist
  17. EarthSpecialist
  18. Necromancy
  19. Summoning
  20. Polymorph
  21. Telekinesis
  22. Repair
  23. Sneaking
  24. Pickpocket
  25. Thievery
  26. Loremaster
  27. Crafting
  28. Barter
  29. Charm
  30. Intimidate
  31. Reason
  32. Charisma
  33. Leadership
  34. Luck
  35. DualWielding
  36. Wand
  37. Perseverance
  38. Runecrafting
  39. Brewmaster