Locked Doors and Containers

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Object Configuration

In order to lock a door or container, there are two properties under the objects 'Item' sub-category that need to be addressed (shown in bold):

Key <key name>
LockLevel <level>

Key: The name of the key that can unlock this door or container. This field must be given a value even if you never plan to create such a key in game. Otherwise, the object will not be locked.

LockLevel: The level of thievery required to pick the lock if the player is without the above named key.


  1. A simple, locked door that requires thievery level 2 to unlock
    Property Value
    Key key_null
    LockLevel 2
    • key_null is never created in the game and does not exist

  2. A locked door that can only be opened with a specific key named 'key_master'
    Property Value
    Key key_master
    LockLevel 100
    • By setting the lock level to 100, it is impossible to get thievery high enough to unlock it without possession of 'key_master'
    • There would need to be a key created somewhere in the game with the name 'key_master' to open the door (apart from scripting).

  3. A locked door that can be opened with a specific key named 'key_owner' OR thievery level 3
    Property Value
    Key key_owner
    LockLevel 3