CombatAi AiFlags

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There are several AiFlags that can be set on a skill. The following list describes exactly what effect they will have:

  • CanNotUse: Used to indicate that the Ai can't use this skill. Used for skills that have properties that aren't supported for Ai. Keep in mind that a player character can be charmed and that Ai could in theory get access to all skills.
  • IgnoreSelf: Ignore all the effecs that a skill has on the caster. This includes buffs, debuffs, healing, damage: everything.
  • IgnoreDebuff: Ignore all debuffs set by this skill. This is used, for example, for the Enrage skill because the Ai actually considers the debuff to be stronger that the buff (and it is).
  • IgnoreBuff: Ignore all bufss set by this skill.
  • StatusIsSecondary: If statuses fail Ai shouldn't be bothered by it. If a skill apllies a status and applying that status would fail due to armor Ai is less likely to use the skill to avoid wasting the status. This flag can be used to indicate that the status is not vital for the skill. This flag is automatically used for the basic attack (not a skill).
  • IgnoreControl: Ignore all control score on this skill. Control score comes from the statuses KnockedDown, Blind, ShacklesOfPain, Fear, Charmed, Incapacitated, and any Consume status that makes you lose control.
  • CanNotTargetFrozen: A very, very special flag that's used in only two instances. It does exactly what it says it does, but don't ask why it exists.