Decal painter panel

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This article refers to the image linked under Components

The Decal Painter Panel is a panel which allows you to paint decals.
Look at it like placing sticker in the world, except that any material is allowed. Ranging from blood to rainbows.
Painted decals are most commonly used for making common things like walls and floors unique by painting blood, graffiti, broken tiles,...

To use the Decal Painter Panel:

  1. Import a visual
  2. Select it in the Visual List
  3. Enable the Paint interaction mode
  4. Begin painting!


DecalPainterPanel StepByStep.png

The Decal Painter Panel with each component numbered

The Instance Painter Panel consists of the following components:

  1. Save/Load
  2. Show/Hide painted decals
  3. Paint mode
  4. Set of currently loaded decal materials
  5. Material options
  6. Maaterial set options
  7. painter settings
  8. Material replacing tool
  9. Memory statistics


Use the arrow button to import the currently selected material from the resource browser.