Scripting talent types
From Divinity Engine Wiki
This list is purely for values that can be used in script. More information on these values can be found here.
The following talent types can be used in script:
- ItemMovement
- ItemCreation
- Flanking
- AttackOfOpportunity
- Backstab
- Trade
- Lockpick
- ChanceToHitRanged
- ChanceToHitMelee
- Damage
- ActionPoints
- ActionPoints2
- Criticals
- IncreasedArmor
- Sight
- ResistFear
- ResistKnockdown
- ResistStun
- ResistPoison
- ResistSilence
- ResistDead
- Carry
- Throwing
- Repair
- ExpGain
- ExtraStatPoints
- ExtraSkillPoints
- Durability
- Awareness
- Vitality
- FireSpells
- WaterSpells
- AirSpells
- EarthSpells
- Charm
- Intimidate
- Reason
- Luck
- Initiative
- InventoryAccess
- AvoidDetection
- AnimalEmpathy
- Escapist
- StandYourGround
- SurpriseAttack
- LightStep
- ResurrectToFullHealth
- Scientist
- Raistlin
- MrKnowItAll
- WhatARush
- FaroutDude
- Leech
- ElementalAffinity
- FiveStarRestaurant
- Bully
- ElementalRanger
- LightningRod
- Politician
- WeatherProof
- LoneWolf
- Zombie
- Demon
- IceKing
- Courageous
- GoldenMage
- WalkItOff
- FolkDancer
- SpillNoBlood
- Stench
- Kickstarter
- WarriorLoreNaturalArmor
- WarriorLoreNaturalHealth
- WarriorLoreNaturalResistance
- RangerLoreArrowRecover
- RangerLoreEvasionBonus
- RangerLoreRangedAPBonus
- RogueLoreDaggerAPBonus
- RogueLoreDaggerBackStab
- RogueLoreMovementBonus
- RogueLoreHoldResistance
- NoAttackOfOpportunity
- WarriorLoreGrenadeRange
- RogueLoreGrenadePrecision
- WandCharge
- DualWieldingDodging
- Human_Inventive
- Human_Civil
- Dwarf_Sneaking
- Dwarf_Sturdy
- Elf_CorpseEating
- Elf_Lore
- Lizard_Persuasion
- Lizard_Resistance
- Perfectionist
- Executioner
- ViolentMagic
- QuickStep
- Quest_SpidersKiss_Str
- Quest_SpidersKiss_Int
- Quest_SpidersKiss_Per
- Quest_SpidersKiss_Null
- Memory
- BeastMaster
- LivingArmor
- Torturer
- Ambidextrous
- Unstable
- Quest_TradeSecrets
- Quest_GhostTree
- ResurrectExtraHealth
- NaturalConductor
- Quest_Rooted