How to create a basic adventure with quests, dialog and scripts

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1. Create your new project and basic level

We will be creating a Story mode Adventure, with the main focus being assisting a little girl to find her mummy's medicine. To that end, please create a new Adventure, targeted for story mode with the name HelpMyMummy.

1.1. Create a new adventure type project, targeted at Story mode

Create a new project by pressing the green create project button on the top left. Select the Adventure project type, and target the project for Story mode. Use whatever name you like for the project name – for our tutorial adventure I have called the project HelpMyMummy.

Select your project type

1.2. Create a new basic level template, called 'TheVillage'

Select the Basic level template, and call your level TheVillage – or whatever other name you prefer.

Create new basic level template

2. Add a character

We'll keep this bare-boned and simple, placing a character into the level and updating the bits and pieces we will require for the next steps. We named her Elena (5) and used Larian coding standards to give her a reference name of S_TV_Elena (6). For this stage, feel free to use any character and name.