Interactable animated items

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Interactable animated items


You can use either dummies, mesh or actual bones in 3DS Max to animate visuals. Make sure however that these bones are in a separate layer and are linked to a dummy which needs to be named Dummy_Root.

If you are using a single bone for one mesh make sure to select that mesh and click the "MakeAnim" button. This can also be done by hand by selecting the mesh, right clicking on it, select Object Properties, go toUser Defined tab and type Rigid = true

This also needs to be done with exporting a visual which consists of two meshes, one with multiple bones and one with a single bone. This only applies to the mesh with a single bone.


Select the mesh you want to be animated, open the modifier list and select skin. Add the bone(s) you want to use. Apply weight paint if needed.

Animation Manager

After you have created and tested your animation you’ll need add your animation to the animation manager. In the animation manager you can add multiple animations by first selecting the Dummy_Root at the top. Now you can create a new layer by clicking “new” in the bottom left corner. You will need to enter a name, the begin and end frame number of your animation. Each separate animation needs it own layer.

The name of you animation layer needs to be “LayerName”_”AnimationName”_”01”

Example: DOORS_Humans_Ruins_A_Open_01


Create your physics mesh and name it properly. Now you will need to link your physics mesh to your animated mesh.

We do this by using a proxy so the physics mesh can be animated. Start by right clicking on your animated mesh, select "Object Properties", go to "User Defined" tab and insert the following lines:

Rigid = true
LarianPhysics_Type = proxy
Proxy_Geometry = “LayerName”_phys

Now right click on your physics mesh, select "Object Properties", go to "User Defined" tab and insert the following lines:

LarianPhysics_Type = rigid_body
LarianPhysics_RigidBody_Type = static
LarianPhysics_RigidBody_Mass = 0.0
LarianPhysics_RigidBody_Friction = 1.0
LarianPhysics_RigidBody_Restitution = 0.0
LarianPhysics_Shape_Type = convex
LarianPhysics_Shape_Flags = 0