Scripting talent types
From Divinity Engine Wiki
The following talent types can be used in script:
- ItemMovement
- ItemCreation
- Flanking
- AttackOfOpportunity
- Backstab
- Trade
- Lockpick
- ChanceToHitRanged
- ChanceToHitMelee
- Damage
- ActionPoints
- ActionPoints2
- Criticals
- IncreasedArmor
- Sight
- ResistFear
- ResistKnockdown
- ResistStun
- ResistPoison
- ResistSilence
- ResistDead
- Carry
- Throwing
- Repair
- ExpGain
- ExtraStatPoints
- ExtraSkillPoints
- Durability
- Awareness
- Vitality
- FireSpells
- WaterSpells
- AirSpells
- EarthSpells
- Charm
- Intimidate
- Reason
- Luck
- Initiative
- InventoryAccess
- AvoidDetection
- AnimalEmpathy
- Escapist
- StandYourGround
- SurpriseAttack
- LightStep
- ResurrectToFullHealth
- Scientist
- Raistlin
- MrKnowItAll
- WhatARush
- FaroutDude
- Leech
- ElementalAffinity
- FiveStarRestaurant
- Bully
- ElementalRanger
- LightningRod
- Politician
- WeatherProof
- LoneWolf
- Zombie
- Demon
- IceKing
- Courageous
- GoldenMage
- WalkItOff
- FolkDancer
- SpillNoBlood
- Stench
- Kickstarter
- WarriorLoreNaturalArmor
- WarriorLoreNaturalHealth
- WarriorLoreNaturalResistance
- RangerLoreArrowRecover
- RangerLoreEvasionBonus
- RangerLoreRangedAPBonus
- RogueLoreDaggerAPBonus
- RogueLoreDaggerBackStab
- RogueLoreMovementBonus
- RogueLoreHoldResistance
- NoAttackOfOpportunity
- WarriorLoreGrenadeRange
- RogueLoreGrenadePrecision
- WandCharge
- DualWieldingDodging
- Human_Inventive
- Human_Civil
- Dwarf_Sneaking
- Dwarf_Sturdy
- Elf_CorpseEating
- Elf_Lore
- Lizard_Persuasion
- Lizard_Resistance
- Perfectionist
- Executioner
- ViolentMagic
- QuickStep
- Quest_SpidersKiss_Str
- Quest_SpidersKiss_Int
- Quest_SpidersKiss_Per
- Quest_SpidersKiss_Null
- Memory
- BeastMaster
- LivingArmor
- Torturer
- Ambidextrous
- Unstable
- Quest_TradeSecrets
- Quest_GhostTree
- ResurrectExtraHealth
- NaturalConductor
- Quest_Rooted