Project browser

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Revision as of 09:19, 1 August 2017 by Kevin (talk | contribs)
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The project browser is used for loading and creating projects. Here you can see all existing projects, as well as the different types of new projects you can create.

A similar browser exists for opening and creating levels: Level browser

Existing Projects

  1. Go to the "New Project" tab to create a new project
  2. Filters (text and type) [CTRL + F]
  3. Recently opened projects (right-click to remove from list)
  4. Size slider [CTRL + scroll]
  5. All projects
  6. Info on the currently selected project
  7. Editor settings
An explanation on editor settings can be found here: Editor settings

New Project

  1. Project type (Adventure or Add-on)
  2. Project Settings

Project Type and Settings

This simply shows all the entries according to the active filters.
Blue entries are the ones that reside in the current (active) project.