Modding: Root templates

From Divinity Engine Wiki
Revision as of 13:21, 14 September 2017 by Kevin (talk | contribs)
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Root templates are ready-to-place objects. They consist of several resources and other settings depending on the type of root.
A character, for example, has a visual resource (model), a physics resource, a set walking speed, a name,...

More info on how root templates work can be found here: Templates explanation and here: My first: Root template

For more info on how the root template panel, check this page: Root template panel

To modify an existing resource, simply press the sidebar's edit button () or press "Open for Edit..." in the resource's right-click menu.
You'll get a notification as follows:

Identifying modded resources

A modded resource is marked grey in the content browser and has it's "Active" property set to "False".
To quickly find the modded version that is going to be active in-game, simply select "Go To Active Resource.." in the right-click menu.