Difference between revisions of "My first: Animation"

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(My First animation)
(Confirming the structure)
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===Confirming the structure===
===Confirming the structure===
To make sure that you're file structure is correct open the '''base file'''
To make sure that you're file structure is correct open the '''base file'''. <br \>
Run the MLE script and check the animations checkbox. <br \>
===Exporting the animation===
===Exporting the animation===

Revision as of 16:07, 2 February 2018


In this guide we're assuming that you're reusing an existing character and rig or an existing interactive item.
We'll also mention the provided export tools throughout the guide.
We'll also refer to visual resources and animation sets and resources

For more information on:
How to create a character: My_first:_Character
How to create an interactive ttem: My_first:_Item_-_Interactable_animated_items
How the export tools function: Modding:_Maya_Exporter
An Animation Set: Animation_set_resource_panel
Visual Resources: Visual_resource_panel

In this guide we'll explain:

  • How your maya files should be structured down to the folder structure.
  • How to define animation data for the exporter.
  • How to export the resources
  • What type of editor resources you'll be importing for animations.
  • How to use an animations set.
  • How to use a default animation set.
  • Example for a Door, Lever and Container
  • Example for a Run, Attack, Hit and Skill

My First animation

How do I structure my maya resources?

The bear file structure

When creating animations we make use of maya's ability to reference scenes.
We'll have a base file with the mesh and it's rig (Animals_Bear_ABC.ma) and a sister animation folder of the same name (Animals_Bear_ABC) containing the animation files.
Each animation file has only one animation or animation sequence and has a file reference to the base file. (More on sequences later)

A file containing the rig that gets referenced we name the base file
A file referencing the base file we name the animation file

Referencing in my animation file

When starting from a new animation file we'll want to reference the base file which contains the rig. The caveat for this is the MLE doesn't support namespaces in rigs.
In your new file: Top Menu -> File -> Create Reference -> Options Square


In the options window look for Namespace Options
Select Use selected namespace as parent and add new namespace string and fill in a colon : in the textbox
Click reference and browse to your base file, select it and click reference. The base file contents should now appear in your scene


Save your animation file in the animation folder and name it: <item/characterName>_<AnimationSlotName>.
An animation slot name either refers to the name the animation will get in the engine when assigning it to a character it's Animation Waterfall or it's Visual Default Animations

For more information on:
An Animation Set: Animation_set_resource_panel
Visual Default Animations: Visual_resource_panel

Confirming the structure

To make sure that you're file structure is correct open the base file.
Run the MLE script and check the animations checkbox.

Exporting the animation

Editor Resources

Animation Resource

Animation Set

My First Item Animation

-My First Door

-My First Container

-My First Lever

My First Character Animation

-My First Run Animation:

-My First Attack Animation:

-My First Hit Animation:

-My First Skill Animation: