Game Master User Interface

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HUD overview

Game Menu

where the game options are like saving and going back to the main menu


the notes for the Game Master

(Coming Soon) Start Point

used by the Game Master to place a spawning location in a scene for the players

(Coming Soon) Possess Panel

where the Game Master takes control or manage an entity

Narrative tools


the storytelling part

Overview Map

where the Game Master create the world map and see everything


where the Game Master create all the locations the players will travel

Panels overview

(Coming Soon) Monsters & Items

all the usable entities for the Game Master

(Coming Soon) Encounter Manager

where the Game Master setup the encounters

(Coming Soon) Item Generator

where the Game Master create custom equipment

(Coming Soon) Mood Panel

where the Game Master set the ambiance of a scene

(Coming Soon) Surface Panel

used by the Game Master to paint surfaces in a scene

(Coming Soon) Game Master Inventory

where the Game Master can put entities he want to use quickly

(Coming Soon) Game Master Skills

all the skills in the game to be given to something by the Game Master

(Coming Soon) Dice Roll

where the Game Master will be able to ask dice rolls from the player or him/herself

(Coming Soon) Reward Panel

where the Game Master will be able to reward players for their deeds!

(Coming Soon) Manage Panel

where the Game Master can change everything on an entity

(Coming Soon) Status Panel

where the Game Master can add or remove status on an entity